
You can adjust the behavior of sonic and set some handy default values with settings files. The settings files used are determined by the value of environment variable SONIC_PROFILE or AWS_PROFILE. The value determines the settings profile to use. There can exist multiple settings files which all get loaded and merged. The options from the files follow the following precedence rules:

  1. current folder - The current folder’s .sonic/[AWS_PROFILE].yml values take the highest precedence. The current folder is typically the project folder.
  2. user - The user’s ~/.sonic/[AWS_PROFILE].yml values take the second highest precedence.
  3. default - The default settings bundled with the tool takes the lowest precedence.

A concrete example helps explain it. Let’s say AWS_PROFILE=prod-profile with the following files:

  • in current folder: .sonic/prod-profile.yml
  • in user home folder: ~/.sonic/prod-profile.yml

Then the .sonic/prod-profile.yml gets merged into ~/.sonic/prod-profile.yml and that in turn gets merged into sonic’s default settings.

You can also use the SONIC_PROFILE=prod-profile environment variable instead of the AWS_PROFILE environment variable. The SONIC_PROFILE wins over the AWS_PROFILE value.

Full Example

Here is an prod-profile.yml example:

bastion: # cluster_host mapping
  host: # default is nil - which means a bastion host wont be used
  host_key_check: false

  user: ec2-user

# used with `sonic ecs ssh` command
  default: default # default cluster
  hi-web: production
  hi-clock: production
  hi-worker: production

The following table covers the different setting options:

Setting Description Default Bastion mapping allows you to set a bastion host on a per ECS cluster basis. The bastion host is used as the jump host. Examples:, or (no value)
bastion.host_key_check Controls whether or not use the strict host checking ssh option. Since EC2 server host changes often the default value is false. false
ecs_service_cluster_map Service to cluster mapping. This is a Hash structure that maps the service name to cluster names. (no value)
ssh.user User to ssh into the server with. This can be overriden at the CLI with the user@host notation but can be set in the settings.yml file also. ec2-user

The default settings are located tool source code at lib/sonic/default/settings.yml.

Service to Cluster Mapping

A useful option is the ecs_service_cluster_map. This option maps ecs service names to cluster names. This saves you from typing the --cluster option repeatedly. Here is an example ~/.sonic/settings.yml:

  default: my-default-cluster
  hi-web: production
  hi-clock: production
  hi-worker: production

This results in shorter commands:

sonic ecs ssh hi-web
sonic ecs ssh hi-clock
sonic ecs ssh hi-worker

Instead of what you normally would have to type:

sonic ecs ssh hi-web --cluster production
sonic ecs ssh hi-clock --cluster production
sonic ecs ssh hi-worker --cluster production

Pro tip: Use the <- and -> arrow keys to move back and forward.

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